Cannot access document with old uid


I'm developing my project with Next.js and I found that querying document with old uid led to 404 page is related to fallback value in getStaticPaths.
Now I can access document with old uid again after changing fallback value from false to true.

But now I encountered another difficulty is I can't handle non-existent uid case.
Originally it will return 404 page if the uid is not in the paths returned by getStaticPaths with fallback set to false. I will get error message: "no documents were returned" in getStaticProps function with the query below.

const doc = await client.getByUID('post', params.uid, {
    lang: language,
  }) || {}; // Get no documents returned error if the entered uid is not existed

FYI: I was trying to implement a 301 redirect practice with custom hook according to the this discussion. Not sure if it's the best practice since the custom hook in the example is called conditionally.