FAQ being deleted on Prismic after saving

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Hey guys, same website, Carolin's replacement here.

It happened again and does not seem to be resolved. I deleted one question-answer set (marked blue in screenshot) and another one vanished (marked red in both).

At this point I am sure it is an editing/saving issue, not one of the publishing step (I did not publish it after the error occured).

What can we do?


Hello @jens.hesse, can you please send us timestamps and a screen recording of the error?

I did save the entry on June 16th, 15.47 hours. What do mean by "recording", a html readout of the page? Since we cannot replicate the error intentionally, I can not supply a video.


Ok, no problem. We'll try to look for a log on our side. Can you please re-send me the URL of your repository?

Thanks! PN sent.

We can see the document and the empty item in the group, but we're having difficulties when trying to reproduce the error. Please, as soon as this case occurs again, let us know and send us the URL of the document again so that we can find the most accurate timestamp.