fetchLinks clarification

Hello @nicolas.braun

Thanks for reaching out to us.

We can not wholly rely on fetchLinks to get info from 2 documents deep. Sometimes with some repo, it does work, and sometimes it doesn't. That's why we usually recommend graphQuery. As we have already discussed in this thread: GraphQuery vs FetchLinks.

Error in the documentation:

  1. It's true, params should be fetchLinks.
  2. What version of @prismicio/client are you using? If it's V6, then surely it's
    fetchLinks: 'article.thumbnail,article.title'
    Find more detail in the Prismic client technical reference article.. You can switch the versions.

Thanks for pointing these out. I will pass this to my team to update the documentation.

I understand that graphQuery get request has limitations is not longer than 2048chars. You can reduce your string length by using line breaks with no spaces or tabs, as explained in the graphQuery article.

Let me know if you have any further questions.
