Graphql query works in playground not on client

What's the error on your end @betcdigital.consulta?

We have encountered a discrepancy, similar to previous instances, between the result in the GraphQL explorer and the query executed with Apollo client. This issue specifically occurs when attempting to retrieve the UID of a linked document.

Eg -
Back office:

graphql request in the explorer:

graphql result in the explorer :

The result of the apollo query with the same request on client:

problem : we can see that the meta and the uid of the document are not showing.

The situation is somewhat problematic since it should offers a simple way for the client to select either an internal or external link.

Sometimes this happens where there's a missing node in the GraphQL query for document types. Any of the metadata fields. Also, you could see this result if the field is setup to only allow document type links.