Internationalization in SvelteKit

Hey Janis,

You could certainly use a catch-all route. However, that will force you to handle the routing logic manually, which I find a little stressful personally :sweat_smile:

If you don't mind duplicating your +page.svelte files in a few places, then I think you can avoid any catch-all routes.

There's a convenient solution for the layout. SvelteKit provides a global store for all the data you query in your application:

  import { page } from { $app/stores }

  <!-- This will display all of the data fetched in your application -->

You can use this in your +layout.svelte file to use the data fetched in your +page.server.js file (we already do this to handle metadata in the starter projects).

Therefore, you can query your global data in +page.server.js and then access it from $page in your +layout.svelte to get a localized header and footer. For example:

// src/routes/[[preview=preview]]/[lang=lang]/[uid]/+page.server.js

import { asText } from '@prismicio/client';

import { createClient } from '$lib/prismicio';

export async function load({ params, fetch, cookies }) {
	const client = createClient({ fetch, cookies });

	const settings = await client.getSingle('settings', { // 👈 Fetch your global data localized
		lang: params.lang || 'en-us'

	const page = await client.getByUID('page', params.uid, {
		lang: params.lang

	return {
		settings, // 👈 Return your global data
		title: asText(,

export async function entries() {
	const client = createClient();

	const pages = await client.getAllByType('page');

	return => {
		return { uid: page.uid };


<!-- src/routes/+layout.svelte --> 

	import { PrismicPreview } from '@prismicio/svelte/kit';
	import { page } from '$app/stores';
	import { repositoryName } from '$lib/prismicio';

	{#if $}
		<meta name="description" content={$} />
	{#if $}
		<meta name="og:title" content={$} />
	{#if $}
		<meta name="og:image" content={$} />
		<meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image" />

		<!-- 👇 Use your global data -->

	<li><a href="/">English</a></li>
	<li><a href="/fr-fr">French</a></li>

	<slot />

<PrismicPreview {repositoryName} />

I've updated the Stackblitz example:

Let me know if that helps!
