Rich Text field - Nested Lists

Feature Idea:
I would love it if the Rich Text fields in Prismic supported multiple levels of indentation.

For example:

  • Here is a parent item
    • Here is a child item
      • Here is a grandchild item

One of the following three behaviors would be necessary:

  • Allow for indenting with tabs or spaces
  • Add buttons for indent/outdent like what Google Docs has
  • Add a markdown toggle for the rich text fields (similar to NetlifyCMS or Strapi)

There is no button to indent and I cannot find any keyboard combination that will allow it. Surprisingly I can't find any mention of this lack of functionality on this forum or elsewhere on the internet.

Issue that it solves:
Nested lists are a requirement for me, and having to use slices for this is not acceptable. There are several cases where I have a Rich Text field inside of a repeatable group within a slice, so there is no option other than breaking it into a separate Custom Type with a Content Relation. Again, this is not acceptable. I can deal with no native table support, but this one is essentially a blocker for my team to uptake the Prismic product.