Slice Simulator Nuxt 3

Hi Frank,

Welcome to the community!

So I don't have any hard dates on anything but here's what I know:

  • Vue 3 SDK: it's in beta and will be published as latest in July.
  • Nuxt 3 SDK: it's in alpha and will be published in beta next week. It supports everything and is as "prod ready" as Nuxt 3 is (RC-ish)
  • Slice Simulator SDK: SDK for Vue 3 is available under @prismicio/slice-simulator-vue3 and is "prod ready"
  • Slice Machine will have Vue 3 / Nuxt 3 support end of Summer.
  • vue-essential-slices is pretty much deprecated at this stage.

So basically:

  • The SDKs are ready.
  • Slice Machine support is under construction.
  • The docs are under construction.
