`vue-essentials` conflict with TailwindCSS

I think this should solve it. Nuxt defaults to have a purgeCSS module (I noticed from the build logs), so I have set that to whitelist every CSS class with the return content.match(/.*/g) in the nuxt.config.js below.

Also, here is the correct tailwind.config.js - If you have .vue files anywhere else, add them as per this pattern to the content section:

// tailwind.config.js
module.exports = {
  purge: {
    content: [
  theme: {},
  variants: {},
  plugins: [],

Your nuxt.config.js should look like this (based off your template):

// nuxt.config.js
export default {
  mode: 'universal',

   ** Headers of the page
  head: {
    title: process.env.npm_package_name || '',
    meta: [
        charset: 'utf-8'
        name: 'viewport',
        content: 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1'
        hid: 'description',
        name: 'description',
        content: process.env.npm_package_description || ''
    link: [
        rel: 'icon',
        type: 'image/x-icon',
        href: '/favicon.ico'
    script: [

   ** Customize the progress-bar color
  loading: {
    color: '#fff'

   ** Global CSS
  css: ['vue-essential-slices/src/styles/styles.scss'],

   ** Plugins to load before mounting the App
  plugins: [],

   ** Nuxt.js dev-modules
  buildModules: [
    // Doc: https://github.com/nuxt-community/eslint-module
    '@nuxtjs/eslint-module', // Doc: https://github.com/nuxt-community/nuxt-tailwindcss

   ** Nuxt.js modules
  modules: [
    // Doc: https://axios.nuxtjs.org/usage
    '@nuxtjs/axios', // Doc: https://github.com/nuxt-community/dotenv-module
        endpoint: 'https://fakeprismicrepo.cdn.prismic.io/api/v2',
        apiOptions: {
          routes: [
              type: 'page',
              path: '/:uid'

   ** Axios module configuration
   ** See https://axios.nuxtjs.org/options
  axios: {},

   ** Build configuration
  build: {
     ** You can extend webpack config here
    extend(config, ctx) {},

    transpile: ['vue-slicezone', 'nuxt-sm'],

    postcss: { // <-- Added
      plugins: [

  purgeCSS: { // <-- Added
    extractors: () => [
        extractor (content) {
          return content.match(/.*/g)
        extensions: ['vue']

I hope this helps! Let me know if it still doesn’t work, and I can have another look.

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