#11321 Gatsby source prismic upon build, unexpected status code [502]

Hi guys,

I've got a project on Gatsby, using Prismic.
I run gatsby build, and I get the following message:

"gatsby-source-prismic" threw an error while running the sourceNodes lifecycle:

Unexpected status code [502] on URL
(url of my website)

Does anyone have help in regards to this?

Hey there @fhuneeus, Which version of the plugin are you using?
I've seen this error before and it was solved by updating the dependencies.

Hi @Pau , thanks for the reply.

We're using version 3.3.1.
I'm wondering what solution we can find besides updating the dependencies.

This is because this error started showing up recently. It didn't appear around two weeks ago, and we haven't done significant changes in the project since then.

Do you think there is another solution to this? (Besides migrating to V4. Since that would take significante effort).

Thanks in advance!

Is everything running smoothly in development mode?
From what I can read online these errors are almost always related to kit versions.

Hi Pau,

It doesn't work in development mode.
When I'm on my local computer and execute npm run build, or gatsby build, this error shows up.

Ok, can you share with us the gatsby-config.js file?
Do you have a custom network setup (such as a firewall or proxy)?