Upon second glance, I see now that your console error shows an issue with your generateMetadata function. To troubleshoot this, I’d comment out the whole function and/or ensure that the page I’m trying to visit has a meta_title and a meta_description saved and published in Prismic. Perhaps you could provide a fallback if these fields are not filled out.
Here’s my generateMetadata function for an idea:
This error happens from time to time again. If I comment out this function below, I can see that a meta tags generates the default value from settings from app/page.tsx
However, this generateMetadata function that shows an error is in app/[uid]/page.tsx
Since the function is asyn, any unhandled promise rejection within it can cause the function to break and error out. You could wrap your data-fetching calls in try/catch blocks to and run a debug line by line to see where to error actually is