Basic dynamic routing - Nuxtjs


still learning, i'm trying to render a blog post named "article-1" which i created on my dashboard. I put an uid on it and i followed your doc but i have the error when i type : localhost:3000/article-1 :

This is my code _uid.vue

    <slice-zone type="blog" :uid="$route.params.uid" />
    import SliceZone from 'vue-slicezone'
    export default {
      components: {
      async asyncData({ $prismic, params, error }) {
    const document = await $prismic.api.getByUID("blog", params.uid)
    if (document) {
      return { document }
    } else {
      error({ statusCode: 404, message: "Page not found" })
  </script>type or paste code here

and finally my github link :

Thanks for your help !

Hey @ducuingg, seems like you're still using a deprecated package: vue-slicezone.

Now you can use @prismicio/vue instead:

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Thanks, the error message is gone but the content of my blog don't appear, can you tell me if something is wrong in my _uid.vue ?

  <div class="content">
    <slice-zone type="blog" :uid="$route.params.uid" />
    import { SliceZone } from "@prismicio/vue";
    export default {
      components: {
      async asyncData({ $prismic, params, error }) {
    const document = await $prismic.api.getByUID("blog", params.uid)
    if (document) {
      return { document }
    } else {
      error({ statusCode: 404, message: "Page not found" })
  <style scoped>

Hey Guillaume,

Try passing the SliceZone a prop of the document slices like:
<SliceZone :slices="" />

You may also need to pass the SliceZone an component object of your slices.
:components="defineSliceZoneComponents({ text: TextSlice, images: ImagesSlice, })