[Bug] Select & boolean fields return null rather than initial value

Hi @louisthomas.pro this has been fixed. Let me know if you are still having problems.


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I have been encountering this problem using a slice that was created quite recently. How can I ensure the fix is applied?

Hi Ben,

Is this happening in the repeatable or non-repeatable zone of the Slice?

Can you send us some screenshots or screen recordings?


Hello @Phil . Sorry for taking so long to reply. I have come across the problem again.

Here is my slice's definition:

The two booleans are set to "Default to true" and the select is set to "use first value as default".

Here is a slice in Prismic:

And here is the slice on the page:

Hi Ben,

For this to work correctly you'll need to be using the new page builder. (It was fixed there)

If you want this activated, please reach out here:


Hi @Phil ,

I am using the new page builder and the latest version of the slice library.

I have created a boolean field and am trying to query by false values, however they are null by default.

Please advise?

Hey Chris,

Can you give me your repo URL so I can check this out for you?


Hi Phil,

Sorry for the late response, I just made use of the .not filter instead.

eg: prismic.filter.not("my.[document].[field], true)

Incase anyone else comes across this