Cannot push documents to prismic

I'm trying to take the Vercel template, change the posts and deploy it. I pushed the Slices and Types but documents always fail.

I also don't understand how to get any new documents from prismic into my local repo. Where do I find about it in the docs?

➜  drops-blog git:(main) ✗ npx @slicemachine/init --repository drops-1

You're about to configure Slicemachine... Press ctrl + C to cancel
✔ Logged in as xxxx
✔ Next.js detected
? Your repository already contains Slices. Do you want to continue pushing your local Slices? Yes
✔ Pushing existing Slice models to your repository
? Your repository already contains Custom Types. Do you want to continue pushing your local Custom Types? Yes
✔ Pushing existing custom types to your repository
✖ Pushing existing documents to your repository
Error! Sending documents failed, please try again. If the problem persists, contact us.
Error! Full error: ERR_BAD_REQUEST - Request failed with status code 401
➜  drops-blog git:(main) ✗ npx @slicemachine/init --repository drops-1

You're about to configure Slicemachine... Press ctrl + C to cancel
✔ Logged in as xxxx
✔ Next.js detected
? Your repository already contains Slices. Do you want to continue pushing your local Slices? No
? Your repository already contains Custom Types. Do you want to continue pushing your local Custom Types? No
✖ Pushing existing documents to your repository
Error! Sending documents failed, please try again. If the problem persists, contact us.
Error! Full error: ERR_BAD_REQUEST - Request failed with status code 401

Hello @altcointrading, your repository uses Slice Machine or the Legacy Builder?
It is important to note the difference between these two.

Custom Types and Slices are created on the Slice Machine and documents are created from the UI of your repository.

Same error, only with Next.js, not Nuxt.js demo. Both Multi Page and Simple Blog Next.js.

Repeat steps... Next js sample, and run the 3 cmds given to start. Nothing else.

npx degit prismicio-community/nextjs-starter-prismic-blog archer-njs-demo && cd archer-njs-demo && npx @slicemachine/init --repository archer-njs-demo

Hey @eric1, What can't you update, your custom types or the documents?

Its not update, it is the init push of documents. It is just completing the 3 cmds given. It has to deal with the account and the example, as a different account wit new next sample, all works fine.

The error is 401, so maybe there is a limit on the demo free accounts? I had a nuxt example working, then was trying next.js.

So i do not think it is a code issue, but an account issue, as i dug in more and could do all fine under a new account.

But exactly the other persons error.

But again, it was only the next.js example, after have a working nuxt example. So it was my second repo on prisimic with the free level. It would fail to push the document. Types and slices were fine.

I did notice too that not only did the code say 401, if i went to the gui on your site, it has zero docs for the multipage sample. So that leads more to not a code issue, but something broken in auth or allowed samples.

So again... Made Nuxt with repo, all good. Multi page sample with docs.

Made same but with next.js and docs fail to create on prismic and fail to push from terminal as above. I assume 401 is both cases. Just silent on prismic and exposed in terminal.

There isn't a limit on the number of repositories in your Dashboard. Are you logged in in your local environment using the prismic cli?

Yes. It is on teh prismic end. I can do it on different computers too. Just try a second demo, and with next js demo, try to set one up. 401 at pushing docs. Slices and types work. Docs, 401.

The first one all is good. Delete and redo and hit error.

:heavy_check_mark: Next.js detected
:heavy_check_mark: Pushing existing Slice models to your repository
:heavy_check_mark: Pushing existing custom types to your repository
:heavy_multiplication_x: Pushing existing documents to your repository
Error! Sending documents failed, please try again. If the problem persists, contact us.
Error! Full error: ERR_BAD_REQUEST - Request failed with status code 401

Made a new account.
:heavy_check_mark: Next.js detected
:heavy_check_mark: Pushing existing Slice models to your repository
:heavy_check_mark: Pushing existing custom types to your repository
:heavy_check_mark: Pushing existing documents to your repository
:heavy_check_mark: Project configured! Ready to start

Nothing else changed. Just made new account and did a new demo project. So it is not on user end.

Thanks for the update @eric1. We'll review the starters for this technology.

Something new? I have this same problem.

Hey @stercegroup, could you share with us the URL of the starter you're using?

Hello @Pau, of course

I just checked, and I was able to run the project. Are you using a stable version of npm and the prismic-cli? maybe you need to update.

Hi! Were you able to solve this problem? I'm dealing with the same situation :frowning:

Can you share the errors you see on the terminal @juanrunceria?

Hey all. We're testing this option to troubleshoot the starters. The problem seems to be that, whenever there is an existing initialized project and the init command is ran once more, the project will throw an error:

  • Create a new repository in the Prismic Dashboard
  • Select the starter
  • follow the steps on the screen (starting from an EMPTY folder)

I just followed these steps and I'm still running into the same problem.

npm v9.6.6

Error: Failed to push documents to repository *****, 401 Unauthorized

running into the same problem with both starters

environment: node v18.16.0

Just wanted to follow up with this issue.
Ended up resigning up with a different email address as @eric1 suggested, and it worked.