I am a NextJS user, but I think I may still be of service.
In Prismic, if I've setup a document's title, I usually use a RichText field and limit it to accept only H1 and disable the multiple paragraphs. If I ever need just the plain text without the H1 tags, I use their helpers (I will show below.
It appears you're using the PrismicText component which I believe is for use with the Key Text field type. I see the documentation says that it will take rich text and convert it to plain text. I either use PrismicRichText or just use the key text as is. Allow me to attempt to illustrate:
import { PrismicRichText } from '@prismicio/react'
import * as prismic from '@prismicio/client'
const article = await client
.getByUID('blog_post', params.uid)
.catch(() => notFound())
return (
<PrismicRichText field={article.data.title} /> // This will output an H1
<p>Below is a rich text field output as plain text</p>
<button>{ article.data.button_label }</button> // This is a key text field