Client in hook?


I've started refactoring a Prismic + Next.JS project have been working on for a while.

Everything works when I'm fetching posts from getStaticProps, but now I would like to add a "Load More" button using the same function. This is where everything messes up and an error occurs when hitting the button, see below. Any ideas?

getStaticProps / Index.js
export async function getStaticProps() {
const client = PrismicClient();

const doc = (await client.getSingle("blog",
{ 'fetchLinks': ['blog_category.title'] })) || {};

const {posts} = await getBlogPosts({page: 1})

const header = (await client.getSingle("header")) || {};
const footer = (await client.getSingle("footer")) || {};

return {
props: {
initalPosts: posts,

OnClick of index.js
const Blog = ({ doc, header, footer, initalPosts }) => {

const loadMore = async () => {
const test = await getBlogPosts({page: 1})

export const PrismicClient = (req = null, options = {}) => (
Prismic.client(apiEndpoint, Object.assign({ routes: Router.routes }, options))

Hello Robert,

Welcome to the Prismic Forum.

After looking at your code, I see you haven't put return statement here:

const loadMore = async () => {
const test = await getBlogPosts({page: 1})

Can you put return statement and see what happens.



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