I have a copenhagen-page
custom type amongst many others, but accidentally disabled it and then remade it. Unfortunately now I am getting the error Unexpected status code [400]
which leads to this error:
{"type":"Link resolver error","message":"[Link resolver error] Unknown type\nDeclared type: copenhagen-page\nExpected one of:\n- navigation-menu\n- step\n- home-page\n- paris-page\n- page\n- banner\n- logo-cloud\n- app\n- pricing-tier\n- london-page\n- usp\n- berlin-page\n- usp-list\n- munich-page\n- testimonial"}
which shows a list of all my other custom types. Why is it not finding my copenhagen-page
custom type anymore? My repository can be found here: https://joinlifex.prismic.io/.