Hi, I recently upgraded our sites codebase to use the latest gatsby x prismic and was able to "successfully" get everything "working" but we are now noticing unusually long load times (over 45 seconds to sometimes the browser prompting unable to load kill/wait).
I tried reverting back to the old way of previews where you setup the options in every template/page for previews instead of in the <PrismicPreviewProvider> and it FIXED the load times issue when testing locally.
Hoping to get things working with the latest patterns, is there anything I could be doing wrong? (Screenshots below. Please note commented out code is the newest preview pattern setup, and working code is old pattern setup)
Browser/SSR Gatsby page setup. Commented out is the newest setup.
When exactly are you seeing these high load times? Is it after ding the project build?
Your setup looks just fine. Have you added the _previewable to your queries as well?
High load times are all the time. We have previews set up for Production build, Staging, and local dev environment, so it is not related to any specific time. Just seems to be with this setup. And yes we have added _previewable throughout our gql queries.
Maybe how I inserted the _previewable? Some queries have multiple different queries in 1 and I use a _previewable in each of them called like the screenshot below.