Describe your question/issue in detail
I have been trying to add a blog index and project index to my site. It's been a little rough as I was following two different courses which seemed to have the same content but the approach was dif on the blog piece so I tried to mix my own solution up but in the process have broken it all. I'm now trying to just get things to work in the way designed in the original course so I can then just apply the bento box styling to if afterwards (and remove the horrid image hover [personal opinion of mine but man it's ugly] it has which seems quite engrained into it but I'm sure I can work around it if I can just get the mapper working and get something on the page lol.
Github of my source can be found here:
The course source can be found here:
Impacted feature
Content Index Slice and all pages that have it added.
What steps have you taken to resolve this issue already?
I've it all from ourright ripping code out, to changing names of slices etc to match with the video (ik copium but cmon I had to try), to even just green pasturing it fresh. no hope found lol.
[vite:dev] TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'map')
[vite:dev] at /home/someuserboi/dev/
[vite:dev] at Object.$$render (/home/someuserboi/dev/
[vite:dev] at Object.default (/home/someuserboi/dev/
[vite:dev] at eval (/home/someuserboi/dev/
[vite:dev] at eval (/home/someuserboi/dev/
[vite:dev] at eval (/home/someuserboi/dev/
[vite:dev] at Object.$$render (/home/someuserboi/dev/
[vite:dev] at eval (/home/someuserboi/dev/
[vite:dev] at Object.$$render (/home/someuserboi/dev/
[vite:dev] at /home/someuserboi/dev/
Your Role
TAM-System Administrator / Student
Hosting provider
(none just local host lol)
Package.json file
"name": "sveltekit-starter-prismic-minimal",
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Steps to reproduce
Just try to load the page lol.