How to get the react useRef() ‘s value of the section inside SliceZone

I want to create a tab bar similar to this sandbox example.

I have two components: the <Tabs/> and another one which is actually a <SliceZone />. When scrolling through the text section, the corresponding tab should be marked as active. Conversely, when a tab is clicked, the text section should scroll into the viewport.

To achieve this, I am using useRef() to get references to the <section> elements inside SliceZone , so I can determine if a section element is visible in the viewport.

I created a common parent component for the two parts (Tabs and Texts).

Parent comp:

'use client';
import ....

type ParentProps={
export default function Parent (){
       const sectionRefs = useRef<(HTMLElement | null)[]>([]);
       function handleClick(index: number) {
        /* ...when click at the tab, corresponding text will be displayed,
         then `setActiveIndex(index)`

       // call IntersectionObserver()
       // if the section is detected as visible, then setActiveIndex() to the index of entry  

    return <>
     <Tabs handleClick={...} activeIndex={...} />
     <SliceZone slices={...} 
         context={{sectionRefs:sectionRefs}} />
export type PageProps = SliceComponentProps<Content.CvSlice>;
export type AllProps = CvProps & {
  context:{sectionRefs: MutableRefObject<(HTMLElement | null)[]>}

const Page = (({ slice, context, index }:AllProps):JSX.Element =>{
    return (<section
      ref={(el: HTMLElement | null) =>
        (context.sectionRefs.current[index] = el)}
      {slice.variation==="text1" && 

       <article >


export default Page;

Could someone provide some guidance on how to resolve this issue?
Thank you!

-----edit ------
I got the ref inside <SliceZone /> by passing context={ref} and created a callback function inside <SliceZone />. The code has been corrected in this version.

This is a react question not prismic - however I think you need to look at forwardRefs to read the refs in the child components - but it's 2024 so honestly drop your code into chat gtp ask it how you can achieve it and it will do a pretty damn good job of fixing it. That $USD20 pm pays for itself pretty quickly esp if your debugging someone else's spaghetti code.

Thanks for the direction.
Honestly, I use ChatGPT for a lot of things—it's helpful, but not a miracle. If the structure isn't open source, the AI won't be of much help. And I don't think it's the purpose of building a forum, either.

Hello again,
I can answer the question by myself now...

How to get the ref inside sliceZone :

The Parent Comp :

export default Parent(...props){
   const sectionRefs = useRef(null);
   return <SliceZone slices={...} 

Slice index.tsx

export type PageProps = SliceComponentProps<Content.PageSlice>;
//extend the props
export type AllProps = PageProps & {
  context:{sectionRefs: MutableRefObject<(HTMLElement | null)[]>}

const Page = (({ slice, context, index }:AllProps):JSX.Element =>{
   return <section
      ref={(el: HTMLElement | null) =>
        {context.sectionRefs.current[index] = el;
        { /*check if you get the right index and section element */}
        console.log(`Ref assigned for index ${index}:`, el); 

The SliceZone is rendered asynchronously, so when referring to the ref inside the useEffect() function, a setTimeout() function should be implemented.

      function ObserverCallback(entries: IntersectionObserverEntry[]) {
      const options = {
      const observer = new IntersectionObserver(
        ObserverCallback, options

      const timer = setTimeout(() => {
        sectionRefs.current.forEach((ref) => {
          if (ref) {
      }, 100); 

      return ()=>{
        ... //unmount function

Hope this will help those who encounter the same problem.