Is npx @slicemachine/init@latest --repository srot
still the right way to setup Prismic in a Next.js 13 project using the app directory? I saw the latest video on Prismic's YouTube about how Prismic supports the App Router. It explains everything really well but it doesn't walk through the setup.
Here's the error I receive when I run it:
| Finishing core dependencies installation with pnpm ...
→ EPERM EPERM: operation not permitted, rename 'E:\1. Code\projects\srot…
Command failed with exit code 1: pnpm add -D slice-machine-ui@latest @slicemachine/adapter-next@latest --color
✖ Dependency installation failed, try again with:
Obviously, running pnpm run slicemachine doesn't work and start-slicemachine is not recognised.
Manually running that works, but now there's more missing peer deps
WARN Issues with peer dependencies found
└─┬ @slicemachine/adapter-next
├─┬ @prismicio/types-internal
│ ├── ✕ missing peer fp-ts@^2.11.8
│ ├── ✕ missing peer io-ts@^2.2.16
│ ├── ✕ missing peer io-ts-types@^0.5.16
│ ├─┬ monocle-ts
│ │ └── ✕ missing peer fp-ts@^2.5.0
│ └─┬ newtype-ts
│ └── ✕ missing peer fp-ts@^2.0.0
└─┬ @slicemachine/plugin-kit
└─┬ @prismicio/types-internal
└── ✕ missing peer io-ts-types@^0.5.16
Peer dependencies that should be installed:
fp-ts@">=2.11.8 <3.0.0" io-ts@^2.2.16
io-ts-types@">=0.5.16 <0.6.0"
I then manually installed those leading to more missing peer deps - monocle-ts newtype-ts
After all that, start-slicemachine is still not recognised.
The cli scaffold also creates the slice-simulator.tsx in the pages dir.
Is there an updated way to set things up specifically for Next 13 and the App Dir?