How to upload and use SVG?

Hi there,

how is it possible to upload and use SVGs? It's not done via the image field - but how else?


Hi Andi,

Thanks for posting on Prismic community!

I couldn’t reproduce the issue, I’ve been able to upload an SVG file and use it in a document.

Can you please send us a screen recording of the problem.

Looking forward to your reply


Hi @Fares !

Thanks for reaching out.

Pls find the video here

Every time I upload an SVG it’s 0 x 0px and I cannot save the document anymore.

Well one possibility can be a wrong formatting of those SVG or an incompatible version, can you please share with us one sample of those SVG files

Sure. I uploaded an example file here

I’ve tried to upload the SVG file and it works!

Can you please share with us the name of the repository so that I ask your dev team to look into this?

okay that’s weird!

the repo name is truetapegermany

thanks! please give me an update once we know what’s going on here.

I have reported the issue in our issue tracker and we get back to you ASAP.

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@Fares I found that while uploading the image, a successful POST request is sent which has a correct image path:

When I open this link in a new tab, it works but for some reason it’s not reflected properly on the editor.

The image that is used in the editor is blob: and when I hover over it, it says 0 x 0:

but even though the POST is successful, in its params it also says width: 0 and height: 0:

@Fares it works with Chrome - with Firefox (what I use) it doesn’t


Thanks for letting us know, It seems that this is an issue related to Firefox, here is a thread that might be related.

Please share with us the image processor you have used to generate the SVG in order to further investigate the issue.

It has been almost a year and a half and this issue is still applicable to Firefox users. Any update on when we can see a fix? I'd be happy to provide any information necessary.

I do not want to need to tell my clients that they have to use Google Chrome to update their website.

Hi @pTinosq

I will try to reproduce the issue with you and investigate.

And to do so, I would need more info, such as an example of an SVG file that has the issue, the exact version of Firefox, the tool that you have created the SVG file with, and your repository name.

If you can add some screen recording of the issue would be helpful to share with our dev team.

Looking forward to your reply,

Hi @pTinosq
I have not recieved any private message from your side or might missed it! can you resend it?

Hi @Fares

Sorry for the late reply, I totally missed your initial reply. I am running Windows 10, Firefox 102.0 64bit, I used Adobe Illustrator 2022 to create the SVG file and I am using a repo named "tingoose". I have attached a wetransfer link with a few SVG files that I know do not work (I cannot upload SVG files to the forum).


As mentioned by Andi earlier, the POST request is still successful with the following requests (I blurred out any ids etc. just in case):

Hi @pTinosq,

Thanks for your reply and for providing that information. I can't find the link to the SVG files attached.