Hi there,
I'm currently facing this exact same issue though my main key difference is that my project does not use typescript.
I'm seeing this warning come up for my project that uses Nuxt and Javascript, can anyone help me identify why this is happening and also how I can remove this error from appearing?
The stack of the warning stems from my slice that I've added.
vue.runtime.esm.js?2b0e:4605 [Vue warn]: Invalid prop: type check failed for prop "field". Expected Array, got Undefined
found in
---> <Hero> at slices/Hero/index.vue
<IndexPage> at pages/index.vue
<Default> at layouts/default.vue
And here is how I am getting props in my slice:
import { getSliceComponentProps } from "@prismicio/vue/components";
props: getSliceComponentProps(["slice", "index", "slices", "context"]),