Issue resolving parent in route resolver with Page Types

Hey everyone. So I've been using the route resolver just fine in my previous projects that use Custom Types instead of Page Types. In my new project I've decided to use the Page Types to define a page, and I added a content relationship field that can only accept "Page".

Here is my route resolver:

    type: "page",
    lang: "en-us",
    path: "/:lang?/:parent?/:uid",
    resolvers: {
      parent: "parent",

The error I get is:
type: 'Link resolver error', message: '[Link resolver error] Invalid resolver parent\n' + 'It must be a content relationship linked to one and only one custom typ'

Is the route resolver limited to Custom Types only? I thought moving to Page Types would have no side effects.

Here is how the parent is defined in prismicio.ts:

parent: prismic.ContentRelationshipField<"page">;


This seems to have resolved once I deleted the NextJS cache folder /.next