Hello to everyone reading this, appreciate your response.
Could you please elaborate how actually linkResolver works with gatsby-source-prismic?
As far as I understand, during build process linkResolver is being used by the g-s-p, and url and document (content relation) fields are inserted via prismic-dom. Then these fields can be accessed in playground.
Indeed, during development run I see linkResolver resolving every page mentioned, but no fields are updated or inserted into dom. Of course I can attach linkResolver into every but this is not the way it should work, as far as I understand.
Any ideas what could be missing? I can see pages being resolved during build via console.log but where do I look for dom updates/injections?
The Link Resolver helps you generate the links to navigate to internal documents inside your website.
Since routing is specific to your site, you need to define a Link Resolver and provide it to some of the fields' methods. For example, if you have a Rich text field inside a Homepage document that links to a blog post, you need to pass the link resolver to the Rich text method. This way, when the link is rendered, it redirects to the correct page:
Had to clone working example of repo to find out what's the reason.
I placed schema file into folder but did not mention it gatsby-config, which lead to prismic not applying link resolver to the elements of this content type.