I'm having some trouble with a Content Relationship field that I am using to link to a document.
I have a custom type called 'projects'. In that custom type I have set up a Content Relationship field called 'relatedProject', so I can select another project in the CMS as a linked document at the end of the project page.
Displaying this related project works fine, and fetchLinks is displaying the correct information, but when I click the link to take me to the related project document - which is another project custom type page, on load, the information is getting muddled and the page is displaying a mixture of content of the previous project page and the new project page. When I perform a hard refresh (as using Next JS) the page is rendering correctly with the content of the project page I clicked through to.
I'm unsure whether this is something wrong with Prismic or something wrong with Next JS? Apologies if I have not explained this brilliantly.
This is my code for the [uid].js:
import { useEffect, useRef } from 'react';
import { createClient } from '../../prismic';
import resolver from '../../sm-resolver.js';
import * as prismicH from '@prismicio/helpers';
import { linkResolver } from '../../utils/linkResolver';
import { SliceZone } from '@prismicio/react';
import { gsap } from 'gsap';
import { Layout } from '../../components/Layout';
import ProjectHero from '../../components/Hero/Project';
import RelatedProjectCta from '../../components/RelatedProjectCta';
const ProjectDetail = ({ data, url, lang, layout }) => {
const seo = {
metaTitle: data.metaTitle || layout.metaTitle,
metaDescription: data.metaDescription || layout.metaDescription,
metaImage: data.metaImage?.url || layout.metaImage?.url,
url: url,
article: true,
lang: lang,
const pageData = { data };
const relatedProject = { data };
const revealOverlay = useRef();
// Hero reveal
useEffect(() => {
gsap.to(revealOverlay.current, {
opacity: 0,
duration: 2.3,
ease: "power2.out"
}, []);
return (
<Layout seo={seo} {...layout}>
<ProjectHero {...pageData} />
<SliceZone slices={data.slices} resolver={resolver} />
prismicH.isFilled.link(data.relatedProject) ? (
<RelatedProjectCta {...relatedProject}/>
: null
// Fetch content from prismic - previews but doesn't hot reload
export const getStaticProps = async ({ params, previewData }) => {
const client = createClient({ previewData });
// Default Layout components reused across the site
// If a singleton document is missing, `getStaticProps` will throw a PrismicError.
const seo = await client.getSingle("defaultSeo");
const header = await client.getSingle("header");
const footer = await client.getSingle("footer");
const socials = await client.getSingle("socials");
const projectDetail = await client.getByUID("project", params.uid, {'fetchLinks': 'project.theme, project.client, project.projectTitle, project.projectIntroduction, project.featuredImage'} );
return {
props: {
layout: {
export const getStaticPaths = async () => {
const client = createClient();
const projectDetail = await client.getAllByType("project");
return {
paths: projectDetail.map((page) => prismicH.asLink(page, linkResolver)),
fallback: false,
export default ProjectDetail;
I wonder if its to do with getStaticPaths?