We're encountering an issue where some nested dynamic pages are doing a full reload when they are accessed via internal links. This is occurring on the following App directory structure:
These routes would be something like "/stay/campgrounds/campground-name" or "/stay/guest-ranches-lodges/lodge-name". Any route accessed within "/stay" does a full page load instead of only updating content.
Another set of nested dynamic pages works as expected with the following structure:
Our routes as defined in prismicio.js:
const routes = [
type: "homepage",
path: "/",
type: "page",
path: "/:uid",
type: "stay_page",
resolvers: {
category: "stay_category",
path: "/stay/:category/:uid",
type: "explore_page",
resolvers: {
category: "category",
path: "/explore/:category/:uid",
type: "play_page",
path: "/play/:uid",
type: "stay_category_page",
path: "/stay/:uid",
type: "outdoor_recreation_page",
path: "/play/outdoor-recreation/:uid",
Here is our [category] > page.js query:
import { createClient } from "@/prismicio";
import { SliceZone } from '@prismicio/react';
import { components } from '@/slices';
import StayCategoryPageContent from "@/components/StayPages/StayCategoryPageContent/StayCategoryPageContent";
export default async function Page({ params }) {
const client = createClient();
const page = await client.getByUID("stay_category_page", params.category);
const stay_pages = await client.getAllByType('stay_page')
const stayListings = Array.from(
new Set(stay_pages.filter((item) => item.data.stay_category.uid === params.category))
return (
<StayCategoryPageContent page={page} stayListings={stayListings} />
<SliceZone slices={page.data.slices} components={components} />
export async function generateStaticParams() {
const client = createClient()
const pages = await client.getAllByType('stay_category_page')
return pages.map((page) => {
return {
uid: page.uid,
You can view the dev site here: https://yellowstone-teton.vercel.app/stay/guest-ranches-lodges and notice that other pages do not exhibit the same behavior: https://yellowstone-teton.vercel.app/play/outdoor-recreation/hiking
Does anyone know what is causing these nested routes to do a full page load while others are not? Is there an issue with dynamic nested routes in our case?