Hi @Phil
I was about to write a new post on this after having read this thread a few days ago, but noticed there'd been activity on here since and you'd been helping someone out with their query. Hoping this is fresh in your mind and you'll have a quick and easy answer to my question.
I'm currently trying to paginate my blog category pages located at filepath: '/categories/[uid].js'.
I found the following posts that seem to offer an indication of how it might be done:
Unfortunately, I've still not managed to get anything running successfully, despite trying a few different iterations with snippets from the above posts. My getStaticProps and getStaticPaths functions look a bit different to those in the above posts which is throwing me off.
Here is the code I have so far. It would be amazing if you could offer some guidance in how to take this from where it is now to having working pagination.
export const getStaticProps = async ({ params }) => {
const page = await useGetStaticProps({
client: Client(),
type: 'blog-category',
apiParams({ params }) {
return {
uid: params.uid,
})({ params });
const blogPosts = await Client().query(
Prismic.Predicates.at('document.type', 'blog-post'),
Prismic.Predicates.at('my.blog-post.category', page.props.id),
{ orderings: '[my.blog-post.date desc]' },
return {
props: {
params: params,
blogPosts: blogPosts,
export const getStaticPaths = useGetStaticPaths({
client: Client(),
type: 'blog-category',
formatPath: (prismicDocument) => {
return {
params: {
uid: prismicDocument.uid,