Hi Prismic Team,
I'm encountering an issue right now with the following error message.
Unknown argument 'where' on field '_allDocuments'
My gql query is
query getAllDocument(
$afterDate: DateTime
$beforeDate: DateTime
$after: String
$before: String
$lang: String
) {
documents: _allDocuments(
lastPublicationDate_after: $afterDate
lastPublicationDate_before: $beforeDate
before: $before
after: $after
sortBy: meta_lastPublicationDate_ASC
lang: $lang
where:{... // something here}
) {
// .... some fields
This query works from early this year until 2021/10/10.
It seems like the where
field is removed from _allDocuments recently?
Is this intentional? If so, how should I query with conditions?