Problem with Dynamic Routes

Hi everybody!

I have a little issue with my dynamic routes.
I have Client (portfolio), and Landing Pages.

I set up the route:

apiOptions: {
      routes: [
        // Resolves the Homepage document to "/"
          type: 'homepage',
          path: '/',
          type: 'article',
          path: '/blog/:category/:uid',
          resolvers: {
            category: 'category'
          type: 'client',
          path: '/cas-clients/:uid'
          type: 'landing_page',
          path: '/:category/:uid',
          resolvers: {
            category: 'category'

But, landing_page and client look like they overlap.
The path has the same "structure".


So when i click on a landing page button, Nuxt use the "client" type route, and crash.


Hello @Vincent07

In the case of these routes:

/cas-clients/:uid and

It should be on different levels like:

