Hi @vickywitvicky. Can you provide some more information about this? What exactly are you trying to do? Is the code you provided working for you or not? If not, what is the error or issue that you're seeing?
Sorry for not clear enough I'm actually created Custom type called tags. Then i have assigned my created articles to Tags through content relationship which i have created on Page type file called article.
Now i have created [uid].vue which contains my article details where all the content goes here. However i was not able to pull the articles similar to the article we browse through. For example let say i have 2 tags one is Science and another is Maths. Now im in the article based on the Science Tag and i wanted all my related article to Science below the content page currently its not working based on the code i provided.
Note 1: I had to modify the way you define the article variable on the first query to get access to the article's ID.
Note 2: the similar filter will provide similar articles based on keywords it finds in the article. It won't necessarily return articles with the exact same tags.