There used to be a few documentation pages on creating a custom htmlSerializer for gatsby.
There has been a flurry of changes to Prismic documentation (which is great) but now it's really hard to find a good example of best practice.
You used to be able to specify a htmlSerializer in your gatsby config (had to be our JS and not react) and everything just kind of worked.
Now we are pushed towards @prismicio/react which means you seem to need to include a htmlSerializer on every call of PrismicRichText?
<PrismicRichText components={htmlSerializer} />
which works but is very repetitive, the other thing you need to do now is add
internalLinkComponent={({ href, ...props }) => (
<Link to={href} {...props} />
around your PrismicPreviewProvider just to get your internal links to work.
Is it possible to get an updated part of the documentation for gatsby on how to add your own serializer? An example of all 'types' potentially (this is what we used to have but had disappeared.
or even maybe update some of the examples - e.g GitHub - prismicio-community/gatsby-starter-prismic-blog: Blog project with Gatsby & Prismic