Describe your question/issue in detail
Hello, thank you for your help. I am building a SvelteKit based site and having trouble understanding how to properly config the routes.
I have a menu with one level deep, lets say:
contact us
- write us
- directory
The "directory" and "write us" page have a relationship of the type category called "contact-us"
I noticed that I can access this pages either way:
However, I want /contact-us/directory to be the only way to access this page.
My current file structure:
- [category]
-- [uid]
My prismicio file config:
const routes = [
type: 'page',
uid: 'home',
path: '/'
type: 'page',
path: '/:uid',
After reading the documentation, Route Resolver - Documentation - Prismic, I have tried a few ways of adding the route with a resolver :
type: 'page',
path: '/:category/:uid',
category: 'category'
But I get error 500.
Console error:
response: {
[vite:dev] type: 'Link resolver error',
[vite:dev] message: '[Link resolver error] Invalid resolver category\n' +
[vite:dev] 'It must be a content relationship linked to one and only one custom typ'
[vite:dev] }
[vite:dev] }
I would really appreciate your help to help me understand this. I think the relationship is linked to only one type, so it is kinda confusing.
Thanks again!
Impacted feature
Link resolver
What steps have you taken to resolve this issue already?
Read docs. Modifying routes const
Invalid resolver category
Your Role
Freelancer developer
Hosting provider