If I want to add schema.org info to pages, how would you recommend doing that? Say product schema or review schema.
What field type would I use? Would you recommend different fields for different lines to the schema? Or maybe just one field with the entire schema.org code in it? That way wouldn't be as user-friendly, but I think it could still work and give flexibility to what schema data is added to each page.
Schemas come in different shapes, the final 'format' it needs to have for each of your pages is a <script /> that you can add to your pages headelement. This is, to follow the rules of semantic HTML because usually, this tag element is where the metadata of your site is found.
You can use a third-party service/tool like Google's Structured Data Markup Helper or any other Schema Markup Generator to generate your script. In your repository, you can add a Rich text field that allows preformatted text:
You can add this field to your repeatable Custom types, if different pages require different markups, or create a Singleton type with the same Rich Text field so that you only have one version of it for your whole website.