Hi team, i couldn't find more details about LinkResolver in the documentation. How should I use it with the Routes Resolver? How should i structure the ClientConfig?
Thank you for your prompt response. I'm using the Angular framework, but I'm also using the Express documentation and some vanilla JS examples. The documentation stated that both route resolver and link resolver can be used together, but I couldn't find any additional examples.
I have two things want to achieve:
Inside _group custom type, I have a field name as handle, so I would like to access that property. How could I do that in route resolver?
In this article custom type, I have a select field name as category, how could I use that value and populate the route?
The route resolver and link resolver are meant to generate URLs for each Document in your repository. To access the property first you need to fetch data and template content. Could you please tell me what framework are you using?