Typescript Error in SliceZone component in Nuxt

Type 'SliceZone<HomePageDocumentDataSlicesSlice>' is not assignable to type 'SliceZoneLike<SliceLike<string> & Record<string, unknown>>'.
  Type '[HomePageDocumentDataSlicesSlice, ...HomePageDocumentDataSlicesSlice[]]' is not assignable to type 'readonly (SliceLike<string> & Record<string, unknown>)[]'.

Hey @codyslexia,

I'm going to ask some of my colleagues to take a look at this. I think there might be an issue in the integration. Another user has reported a similar issue:

Did you start this project from one of our starters?


Did you start this project from one of our starters?

No, I created my nextjs project then run npx @slicemachine/init

Hey there, we're sorry for the delay getting back to you on this issue.

The problem you faced should be fixed with the latest release of @prismicio/vue, version 4.2.2.

While it should be fine for new projects, for existing ones you can update the dependency with the following command:

npm update @prismicio/vue

Thanks for contributing, let us know if anything!