Update to mask for new image sizes means they're not available till being reselected in Prismic

Good morning,

When updating the mask to have a new image size, this size isn't available in previous documents that had the image selected. Is there a way to update current images with the new size without having to reselect the same image in the Media Library? I can see that they have the new sizes in the crop editor, but selecting this doesn't work.

I appreciate that this should be defined early on in development, this is to account for a late change in visual output.


Hello Jake,

Thanks for reaching out to us.

It's true that if you update the image size in the custom-types, you will need to reselect those images from the media library to apply the changes. There is no way to update them automatically.

You can only edit images in the picture editing when you have not given sizes in the mask.

Let me know if you have any other doubt.


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Thanks for confirming that Priyanka

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