I'm using the Prismic API to get some data that I want to show in my Nuxt3 template.
Everything works fine, I just want to show a 404 page when there is no data instead of a 500 error. I have added a check if the data is empty:
<script setup>
const route = useRoute()
const name = route.params.werke;
const { client } = usePrismic()
const { data: werk } = await useAsyncData('werk', () => client.getByUID("werk", name))
if (!werk.uid) {
throw createError({ statusCode: 404, statusMessage: 'Page Not Found' })
The problem is, that at the if (!werk.uid)
part werk.uid is ALWAYS empty. So I always get that 404 error. In my template werk.uid is not empty so I assume there is a problem, where the if statement can't access the const variable with useAsyncData?
Any ideas? The official Docs recommend it in a similar way to me: Error handling · Nuxt
Thanks a lot!