Can't preview relationship items' changes

I'm using gatsby and I've setup Prismic previews. My custom type has a group of relationship_field which itself has a group of relationship_field . I can preview unpublished changes correctly on the main document, but not for its children.

This is my graphql query:

export const BibliographyPageQuery = graphql`
  query BibliographyPage {
    prismicBibliography {
      data {
        main_text {
        sections {
          section {
            document {
              ... on PrismicBibliographySection {
                data {
                  items {
                    item {
                      document {
                        ... on PrismicBibliographyItem {
                          data {
                            display_text {

This is my gatsby-browser.tsx :

          repositoryName: process.env.GATSBY_PRISMIC_REPO_NAME,
          componentResolver: {
            bibliography: BibliographyPage,
            bibliography_section: BibliographyPage,
            bibliography_item: BibliographyPage,

This is part of my BibliographyPage.tsx

const BibliographyPage = ({ data }: PageProps<Queries.BibliographyPageQuery>) => {
  const title = data?.prismicBibliography?.data?.title ?? "Outcomes"
  const sections = data?.prismicBibliography?.data?.sections ?? []
  return (
    <Page title={title}>
      <div className="mt-4">
        { => {
          const sectionData = (
            section.section?.document as BibliographySectionDocument
          return (

export default withPrismicPreview(BibliographyPage, {
  repositoryName: process.env.GATSBY_PRISMIC_REPO_NAME,
  linkResolver: linkResolver,

How I've setup the preview on prismic

I'm using gitlab pages to deploy so I've setup the preview the following way:
Name: Previews
Domain for your Application: [myGitlabPagesURL]
Preview Route: /bibliography

What am I doing wrong?
All unsaved changes I make to bibliography type are viewed correctly, but not the ones if its children (bibliography_section and bibliography_item)


Ok I figured it out! For anyone that runs into this, this is how you do it.

If you want to preview changes from a document that has relationships to other custom types, you need to create a release and add all the documents to that release.

Then you preview the release and it will display the changes from all the documents.

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