I have a Static Site (gatsby) which is multilingual.
When a document in French is changed I want to trigger a webhook to build ONLY the French site.
I was hoping Webhooks would offer some guidance on which languages have been changed/publshed and put in a request here - Add Language/Multilingual endpoint in webhook but it looks like it's gone stale so I'm exploring other options.
I wonder if anyone else has written something similar or can advise the way they have built it on their site.
my new idea is to send the webhook to a lambda function, use the documents part of the webhook...
"documents": [ "X6LcjhAAAB8AUJwb" // The published docucment ],
then look up that document in the API, find the lang, then if the lang = FR then trigger another webhook to build just the FR site.
I guess my question is whether the API offers this kind of ' lookup a document by its ID and see what's changed' solution?