Created Menu link is not resolving all types

I'm building a Site with Prismic and VueJS for a customer of mine, but I'm stuck with the menu.

Some types are not resolving the link, and return a 404 not-found. The label only displayed.

Home and Page will resolve, other not. What I'm doing wrong?

Here is my code:

  <!-- Check menus exist -->

  <ul v-if="menus.length !== 0" class="menu">
    <!-- Template for menus -->

    <li v-for="menu in menus" :key="" class="menu__item level-1">
      <prismic-link :field="" class="menu__link link">
        <h3 class="name">{{ $prismic.richTextAsPlain( }}</h3>

      <ul v-if=" !== 0" class="megamenu">
        <li v-for="item in" :key="item.submenu" class="menu__item level-2">
          <prismic-link :field="item.submenu_link" class="megamenu__link link">
            <span>{{ $prismic.richTextAsPlain(item.submenu_label) }}</span>

      <span v-else class="empty"></span>
  <!-- If no menus return message -->
  <div v-else class="menu"></div>

export default {
  name: 'menu',
  data() {
    return {
      document: null,
      documentId: '',
      menus: [],
      menuLevel2Nav: [],
      linkResolver: this.$prismic.linkResolver
  methods: {
    scrollToTop() {
      window.scrollTo(0, 0);
    getMenus() {
      //Query to get menus
          this.$'document.type', 'menu'),
          { orderings : '[document.first_publication_date desc]' },
      ).then((response) => {
        this.menus = response.results;
    //Function to get the first paragraph of text in a menu and limit the displayed text at 300 characters
    getFirstParagraph(menu) {
      const textLimit = 300;
      const slices =;
      let firstParagraph = '';
      let haveFirstParagraph = false; (slice) {
        if (!haveFirstParagraph) {
          if (slice.slice_type === "text") {
            slice.primary.text.forEach(function (block) {
              if (block.type === "paragraph") {
                if (!haveFirstParagraph) {
                  firstParagraph += block.text;
                  haveFirstParagraph = true;

      const limitedText = firstParagraph.substr(0, textLimit)

      if (firstParagraph.length > textLimit) {
        return limitedText.substr(0, limitedText.lastIndexOf(' ')) + '...';
      } else {
        return firstParagraph;
  created() {

This is my JSON of Menu:

  "Main" : {
    "menu_link" : {
      "type" : "Link",
      "config" : {
        "select" : "document",
        "customtypes" : [ "home", "page", "team" ],
        "label" : "Menu Link",
        "placeholder" : "Selecteer"
    "menu_label" : {
      "type" : "StructuredText",
      "config" : {
        "single" : "heading6",
        "label" : "Menu Label",
        "placeholder" : "Menu Label"
    "submenu" : {
      "type" : "Group",
      "config" : {
        "fields" : {
          "submenu_link" : {
            "type" : "Link",
            "config" : {
              "select" : "document",
              "customtypes" : [ "page", "author", "blogpost" ],
              "label" : "Submenu Link",
              "placeholder" : "Selecteer Submenu Link"
          "submenu_label" : {
            "type" : "StructuredText",
            "config" : {
              "single" : "heading6",
              "label" : "Submenu Label",
              "placeholder" : "Submenu Label"
        "label" : "submenu"

Hello @falconmedia

Welcome to the Prismic community, and thanks for reaching out to us.

While looking deeper into your code and JSON configuration, I find that menu_link and menu_label don't come in an array, they are individual objects. You can not apply a loop to get these individual objects.

As I see you want to create a menu with 3rd level items (submenu), I'd suggest you follow this article.

Let me know if you have further questions related to it.


For my understanding:

This is a single or repeatable document?

For each nav item create a new document?

Add slice
**slice 1st Level**
* Nav Link : navigation item document of first level
* Link Text : The name that will be displayed

Add slice
**slice 2nd Level**
* Nav Link : to document of the second level
* Link Text : The name that will be displayed

Add slice
**slice 2nd Level**
* Nav Link : to document of the second level
* Link Text : The name that will be displayed

or add all in one document?

Add slice
**slice 1st Level**
* Nav Link : First navigation item
* Link Text : The name that will be displayed

Add slice
**slice 2nd Level**
* Nav Link : to document of the second level (corresponding to First navigation item)
* Link Text : The name that will be displayed

Add slice
**slice 2nd Level**
* Nav Link : to document of the second level (corresponding to First navigation item)
* Link Text : The name that will be displayed

Add slice
**slice 1st Level**
* Nav Link : Second navigation item
* Link Text : The name that will be displayed

Add slice
**slice 2nd Level**
* Nav Link : to document of the second level (corresponding to Second navigation item)
* Link Text : The name that will be displayed

Add slice
**slice 2nd Level**
* Nav Link : to document of the second level (corresponding to Second navigation item)
* Link Text : The name that will be displayed

Do I need to create a slice inside header :

  • repeatable slice with a link to each: navigation document

Hello @falconmedia

You need to create a Singleton Custom type and add all in one document.

I don't understand this part. could you please elaborate more?


Hi Priyanka,

Thanks for your reply.

The last question is not relevant anymore because of singleton custom type

So I did what you said. But the menu links of most types are still not resolving. Only from my custom type page

Can you share the JSON configuration of navigation Custom Type and code with me? It would be better if you could send the Prismic repo URL. You can send me a Private message, though.

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I created a link-resolver.js to fix this.

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