As per title, I'm not really using this feature and I wish to disable it. How to do it?
I removed slice simulator page from my project (next.js 14) but when I remove the URL from live preview setting in Prismic the slices on the left are just erroring out.
Hey team. it's not possible to disable them once they have been activated. This has been noted as a feature request and is being tracked by the product team for future improvements.
But there is a problem, I updated slice machine to latest and slice simulator broke and my site won't deploy. How to fix this? I'm not willing to upgrade to Next.js 15 yet due to instability of that version (and packages breaking) but I want to benefit from slice-machine bug fixes.
import {SliceSimulator, SliceSimulatorParams, getSlices} from '@slicemachine/adapter-next/simulator';
import {SliceZone} from '@prismicio/react';
import {components} from '@/slices';
export default function SliceSimulatorPage({searchParams}: SliceSimulatorParams) {
const slices = getSlices(searchParams.state);
return (
<SliceZone slices={slices} components={components}/>