Following the tutorial for the live preview alpha for Next.js, I'm getting errors without any follow up messaging whenever I add a slice simulator page url.
Can you provide us with more information on the error you're seeing?
Are you seeing any errors in the console of your browser or in your terminal?
Are you running a Prismic content preview in your browser at the same time?
@ianboyte dis you resolve it? I have the same issue. simulator is wording if we go to see one slice from the slicemachine, but from the prismic document every slice is in error as in your screeshot
Thank you @Phil, I tried with and without preview opened, error with both.
I attach 2 screenshot from the console: it seems there is a config missing, and in the iframe errors seems to show that the repositoryName is missing / not found. But as you can see it the repo I sent you, we have our repo name in the slicemachine.config.json. Is there somewhere else we should put it too, or something missing in the config to use this variable?
Hi @Phil, I changed the format of the call to repositoryName, and I don't have the errors in the console anymore... but live preview of slices in page builder still not working
Hi @Phil, thank you very much for your help!!
Indeed I configured slice simulator URL within the UI at the beginning of my discovery of slice machine. At the end I checked the code several times, but never thought about the "Live preview setting" within the new page builder (your last screenshot).
Awesome it's wordking now
I'm running into a similar issue. When the Live Preview live editing link it set to : http://localhost:3000/slice-simulator the thumbnails work as intended. If I update this to the deployed site URL I get the errors. I have troubledshooted this a few ways without success. Any suggestions?