I'm trying to run the slice simulator in on my local but when I enter "http://localhost:3000/slice-simulator" as a url I get an error on the page that says:
TypeError: t.partial is not a function
This error happened while generating the page. Any console logs will be displayed in the terminal window.
Also when I try to create a slice and I go to What Is Content Modeling? - Documentation - Prismic and follow the steps, I dont see a button that says Open Slice Simulator. When I run npm run slicemachine and go to the Slice Editor and click Preview Slice, it says configuration not complete. Step 2 is not setup, even tho I have copy and pasted and followed instructions.
Add a property for the Slice Simulator URL in the sm.json. This should be: "localSliceSimulatorURL": "http://localhost:3000/slice-simulator"
Simulate the slices to see what it looks like in your development environment. Ensure your app is running on another terminal: npm run dev. You need to run npm run dev on another terminal.
Now, on the Slice editor page on the Slice Machine, click "Preview Slices".
You should now see a simulated preview of your Slice with mock data.
I checked my local slice simulator, the url is correct. I also tried the solution mentioned by others which was updating my node to v16, but it didnt work.