Documents API returning empty list (0 Document found)

Hello, anyone can please help me with the given issue:[[at(document.type%2C"page")]]&src=apibrowser#format=html
returns no documents.

Using graphql returns 249 documents:{ %20%20allPages%20{ %20%20%20%20totalCount %20%20} }

How to fetch the same data using the rest API? this involve the network calls performed by "@prismicio/client"`

Hello, @bwlt. By default, the REST API will return documents in your main language. Since you don’t have any documents in your main language, no results are appearing for your query. You need to either specify a language or use the wildcard value for all languages like this:[document.first_publication_date]&src=apibrowser&lang=*#format=html

Here are the docs for the lang parameter:

Let me know if you have any questions about this or anything else.