Is it not possible to drop embed codes directly into the Rich Text field and handle them in the code afterwards? I'm not seeing much in the docs that directly answers this question.
Seems like this would be an extremely sought after feature.
I apologize I hadn't been aware of the embed tool in the Rich Text toolbar. I'm using Prismic-Vue plugin and was able to render a Youtube embed just fine, but when I went to embed a CodePen from which renders fine on my Medium posts, Prismic shows only null as content in my GraphQL queries.
At first I thought this was a rendering issue with my app, but while Prismic is just returning null for my rich-text field, it doesn't seem there is anything i can do to render the rich-text field with this oEmbed.
Has Prismic encountered any problems with CodePen embeds from other users?
In the meantime is there a way I can drop iframes into a rich text field? Currently i'm having to use a work around scraping the page for a shortcode and replace it with an iframe which is seeming pretty unreliable and hacky.