I started my first project with Prismic and Nuxt (v2)!
I followed the documentation (i'm at Fetch Data guide), but I have an issue when i start my project with npm run dev (localhost:3000).
ERROR in ./pages/slice-simulator.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js& (./node_modules/babel-loader/lib??ref--2-0!./node_modules/vue-loader/lib??vue-loader-options!./pages/slice-simulator.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js&)
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '~/slices' in '[...]\www\pages'
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '~~/.slicemachine/libraries-state.json'
On the Slice Machine (working fine), i created my first Custom Type (homepage), and on the editor, i created my first document, linked to this custom type (everything is live and sync).
I created the slice-simulator.vue in pages folder
<SliceSimulator v-slot="{ slices }" :state="state">
<SliceZone :slices="slices" :components="components" />
import { SliceSimulator } from '@prismicio/slice-simulator-vue'
import { components } from '~/slices'
import state from '~~/.slicemachine/libraries-state.json'
export default {
components: {
data () {
return { state, components }
How do I generate it?
I created custom type and slices on the slicemachine, then push them on prismic.
On prismic, i created 2 documents, all published.
Since version 0.6.0, the libraries-state.json is not generated anymore, so it shouldn’t be referenced anywhere. I noticed that the Nuxt.js tutorial still references it: Set up Prismic in a Nuxt Project - Documentation - Prismic; that’s why you encountered the issue. I have asked my documentation team to update this.
So there are two changes needed:
This line should be removed:
import state from '~~/.slicemachine/libraries-state.json'
This one return { state, components } replaced by return { state: {}, components }
So your slice-simulator.vue file should look like: