Error with module not found: slicemachine - librairies-state.json empty

Hello Vincent,

Since version 0.6.0, the libraries-state.json is not generated anymore, so it shouldn’t be referenced anywhere. I noticed that the Nuxt.js tutorial still references it: Set up Prismic in a Nuxt Project - Documentation - Prismic; that’s why you encountered the issue. I have asked my documentation team to update this.

So there are two changes needed:

  1. This line should be removed:

import state from '~~/.slicemachine/libraries-state.json'

  1. This one return { state, components } replaced by return { state: {}, components }

So your slice-simulator.vue file should look like:

  <SliceSimulator v-slot="{ slices }" :state="state">
    <SliceZone :slices="slices" :components="components" />

import { SliceSimulator } from '@prismicio/slice-simulator-vue'
import { components } from '~/slices'

export default {
  components: {
  data () {
    return { state : {}, components }

Give this a try, and let me know if you need further assistance.
