I'm trying to delete archived documents from the repository but it keeps failing with this message
1 document failed being deleted
Can I try something else to delete them, or is it a bug?
Thanks for the help,
I'm trying to delete archived documents from the repository but it keeps failing with this message
1 document failed being deleted
Can I try something else to delete them, or is it a bug?
Thanks for the help,
Hi @dgourdet,
Can you record a Jam of this behavior? This gives us a better picture of what's going on and captures the browser console and other dev information we use to debug. Thanks!
Hi @Ezekiel,
Sure :
Thanks for your help,
Thanks for the intervention @Ezekiel,
I've managed to delete my archived documents this morning :)
Awesome @dgourdet, I'm happy to hear it! Thanks for getting back to me, sorry I couldn't get around to your Jam earlier