Get all custom type's object from content relationship inside a slice (SvelteKit)


I'm new to and I have a problem when developing a test website in SvelteKit.

I created a slice called "selectedServiced" where I can select services from a list of custom types "services". The issue I have is that when I get the slice object in my index.svelte, I only have the id and the uid but I need the other fields too (images,...).
Capture d’écran 2023-12-26 à 16.55.51
I saw on other similar topics that I have to fetch it using graphquery but I tried in index.svelte and I can't seem to make it work.
All I could manage to do is using client.getAllByType('services') in my +page.server.jsfrom the homepage but I don't know how to transfer that data to the proper slice either..

Thank you :)

Hey Dimitri,

Thanks for this question! I would recommend fetchLinks instead of graphQuery. fetchLinks will fetch the additional properties from the linked documents. In your prismicio.js file, add fetchLinks to your client initialization:

export const createClient = ({ cookies, ...config } = {}) => {
	const client = prismic.createClient(repositoryName, {
		fetchLinks: [
			"service.image", // The name of the type and the name of the field
			"service.other_field" // Add as many fields as you need

	enableAutoPreviews({ client, cookies });

	return client;

Let me know if that helps!


Thank you Sam for your reply.

I think I get what it's supposed to do but how can I retrieve the fetchLinks data in my slice from the index.svelte?

Okay, let's say that you have a Slice like this:

  export let slice


If that slice has a content relationship field to a service document, you might access the linked data like this:

  export let slice



If your config includes a fetchLinks option like this:

fetchLinks: [

Then your API client will ask Prismic to always append the image and other_field properties in a data object to any content relationship fields that link to a service document. Does that make sense?


I've tried what you said earlier, I don't know why but I don't see any data field in my object when I console.log slice.
Even when I copy/paste your snippet and change the ids in my CMS.. Here is a recap of the console.log, the custom type and the config I have:


export const createClient = ({ cookies, ...config } = {}) => {
	const client = prismic.createClient(repositoryName, {
		fetchLinks: [
			'services.image', // The name of the type and the name of the field
			'services.icon' // Add as many fields as you need

	enableAutoPreviews({ client, cookies });

	return client;

Custom type:


I understood the concept of fetchlinks, I think I am missing something here
but I don't see what.

A weird thing is that when I add fetchlink to my config I have this error when I hover the red underline on fetchlink:

No overload matches this call.
  Overload 1 of 2, '(repositoryNameOrEndpoint: string, options?: ClientConfig | undefined): Client<AllDocumentTypes>', gave the following error.
    Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'fetchLinks' does not exist in type 'ClientConfig'.
  Overload 2 of 2, '(repositoryNameOrEndpoint: string, options?: ClientConfig | undefined): Client<PrismicDocument<Record<string, any>, string, string>>', gave the following error.
    Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'fetchLinks' does not exist in type 'ClientConfig'.ts(2769)

Hi Dimitri,

Sorry, I think that's my mistake. fetchLinks should be inside an defaultParams object:

const client = prismic.createClient(repositoryName, {
	defaultParams: {
		fetchLinks: [
			'services.image', // The name of the type and the name of the field
			'services.icon' // Add as many fields as you need

Let me know if that gets things working for you.


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It works! Thanks a lot