graphQuery with content relationship form a slice, and adding styling to a prismic component

Hello there,

Thank you for this wonderful tool

I'm struggling with 2 things

1- fetching content relationship from a slice, I created a reusable project type page and added a hero slice to it, and on my homepage I have another slice called projects that has a content relationship item with links to each project

hero slice mocks

		"__TYPE__": "SharedSliceContent",
		"variation": "default",
		"primary": {
			"title": {
				"__TYPE__": "FieldContent",
				"value": "temperature",
				"type": "Text"
			"image": {
				"__TYPE__": "ImageContent",
				"origin": {
					"id": "main",
					"url": "",
					"width": 4000,
					"height": 4000
				"url": "",
				"width": 4000,
				"height": 4000,
				"edit": {
					"zoom": 1,
					"crop": {
						"x": 0,
						"y": 0
					"background": "transparent"
				"thumbnails": {}
		"items": [
				"__TYPE__": "GroupItemContent",
				"value": [
							"__TYPE__": "FieldContent",
							"value": "ago",
							"type": "Text"
							"__TYPE__": "FieldContent",
							"value": "news",
							"type": "Text"

and on my home

	const page = await client.getByUID('page', 'home', {
		graphQuery: `
				project {
					slices {
						...on hero {
							variation {
								...on default {
									primary {

It doesn't seem to be working correctly

2- adding additional styling to a prismic component

<PrismicLink class="link" field={} aria-label={data..label}>

  .link {
    color: cyan;

svelt will show

Unused CSS selector ".link"svelte(css-unused-selector)

<element class="link">

what is the solution for this ? what is the proper way to add a class to add additional styling to any prismic component be a link or an image or whatever

Hey @nilenarrator,

For #1, could you share the API response that you receive for that query?

For #2, the problem is that Svelte doesn't recognize the component as an HTML element, so it doesn't know that the .link class is being used. (And Svelte might tree-shake the selector so that the style doesn't work.) To solve this, you can use the :global() pseudo-selector:

:global(.link) {
  color: cyan;

However, this will break .link out of your component-scoped styles. If you still want .link to be scoped, you can nest it:

  <PrismicLink class="link" field={} aria-label={data..label}>

  div :global(.link) {
    color: cyan;

Svelte will generate CSS that scopes the div but leaves .link unscoped, something like:

div.svelte-1nou5i2 .link {
  color: cyan;

I hope that helps!
